How to Choose a Product Reviews App for Your Shopify Store?

How to find Best shopify  Product review app for store

Did you know that 15% of users don't trust brands without reviews? 

Reviews are immensely important for your store. But when you start to search for the perfect product reviews app, you'll find several options. And finding the right one can be complex. 

Which one among the many available is suitable for your unique necessities? Don't worry! 

This blog will offer you a step-by-step guide on how to choose the best product review app that will not only increase trust in your brand but also improve the shopping experience for customers by the end of it. Let's get started!

Why are Product Reviews Important? 

Have you ever walked into a shop and found two similar products placed next to each other? One has several positive product reviews, while another remains untouched with negative feedback from clients who purchased them before. 

Which would gain more of your trust? It's the former option without any doubts. The reason why this happens is because such feedback helps in establishing faith as well as credibility towards what you are selling or offering. 

Product reviews act as social proof that, indeed, people should buy from you.

In addition, SEO can greatly be affected by these types of client evaluations since search engines love new things, especially those that come directly from users' experiences. 

Consequently, you'll get higher rankings. This will lead to increased traffic volume visiting your site at any given period, hence creating more opportunities for making sales through organic leads.

How to Choose a Product Reviews App for Your Shopify Store?

Determine Your Needs

Before you start browsing through several Shopify review apps, take a moment to identify what you really need. 

Are you a new store looking for a basic review system, or are you an established brand needing advanced features? 

Knowing your app requirements will help narrow down your options.

Consider the size of your product catalog. If you have a vast inventory, you'll want a Shopify reviews app  that can handle a large volume of reviews without slowing down your site. 

Additionally, think about the types of reviews you want. Text reviews are standard, but do you also want to include photo or video reviews? Knowing these details upfront will make your search much more efficient.

User-Friendly Interface

Nobody wants to spend ages trying to set up a Shopify reviews app for writing reviews. Find one that has a good interface and lets you manage and respond to them easily. 

Ideally, this should be compatible with Shopify and allow for importing and displaying reviews without much difficulty. 

Make it easy for your customers too. The interface should be user-friendly so they can leave their thoughts quickly. So look out for features in the best Shopify Reviews apps which make leaving a rating hassle-free but are not too pushy either.

Customization Options

Choose apps that let you customize their appearance to match your brand's style. 

You might also want to think about how different types of products could display feedback differently. 

Do you want to show them on product pages, a dedicated reviews page, or both? The best Shopify Reviews apps allow you to display reviews in various formats, like grids or carousels. If any of those ring true, then finding an app that allows such flexibility will be key.

Moderation and Control

The truth is that all reviews aren't the same. A few could be spam or vulgar. Others may bring up issues you'd rather deal with in private. That's why it's important to pick an app with strong moderation features.

You should have the ability to approve, reject, or reply to reviews intuitively. Some of the best Shopify apps allow automated filters that can flag certain types of content, saving both time and effort. 

Integration with Other Tools

No doubt there are numerous apps and integrations working behind-the-scenes on your Shopify store right now. Make sure any chosen product reviews app plays nicely alongside them all. 

For instance, you can integrate your Shopify product reviews app with your email marketing tool. Doing so can automate your after-sales review requests. This will help free up valuable time whilst also increasing the chances of securing additional feedback.

Analytics and Insights

Reports are important for your store. Look for an app that can provide detailed reports on review trends or ratings distribution. 

This way, you'll know exactly which areas need improving, such as when multiple customers mention experiencing difficulties with a certain product. Similarly, positive product reviews might highlight those items worth promoting more vigorously.

Mobile Compatibility

Mobile devices are where customers shop and leave reviews, therefore your app needs to offer a seamless mobile experience. Make sure the app's interface is responsive and works well on different screen sizes. 

This will not just improve user experience. But it will also encourage more customers to leave product reviews. They can do so easily from their smartphones or tablets if the app is mobile compatible.

Pricing and Value

There are several pricing models for product review apps. Some of them are free and only have basic features while others require payment for additional advanced capabilities. Consider what you’re willing to spend and what features are necessary for your business before making a decision.

Keep in mind that the cheapest option isn't always the best. Consider what value the Shopify reviews app brings to your store. Sometimes, a slightly more expensive app with excellent features and reliable support might offer better long-term value than a free app with limited functionality.

Support and Community

Look for Shopify apps that offer multiple support channels, such as email, live chat, and phone support.

Also, take into account the app's user community. A vibrant community can be a great resource for tips, troubleshooting, etc., Many apps have active forums or social media groups where users update their experiences and solutions.

MyAppGurus Product Review App

Myappgurus product review application shines as one of the best Shopify apps  made exclusively for store owners out there looking forward to enhancing their stores' credibility through customer feedback. 

  • It presents an intuitive dashboard that manages reviews. 
  • Its customization abilities help you change colors, design, presentation or even fonts according to your brands' needs. 
  • This powerful tool ensures seamless integration with other tools while providing advanced analytics that give insights based on customer reviews. 
  • It's a top-notch customer support system, making sure every client gets attended promptly no matter what time zone they may be situated in.


At the end of the day, you know what's best for your business. Trust yourself and choose an app based on your gut feel. 

Armed with the knowledge shared here today, you're equipped to make a decision that'll benefit both your store's credibility and customer experience. 

Product reviews apps can be game changers for Shopify stores – they help build trust, drive sales, foster loyalty – so select wisely!