How Many Different Forms Are Possible with Form Builder App?

Best Shopify Form Builder Apps

If you are here, you want to know about form builder apps and how they work. These tools are very powerful and can greatly improve your relationship with customers while also making sure that your business runs more smoothly.

Think of forms as bridges between you and your customers. The right form Builder app

collect useful information from your customers and enhance their user experience on your website. However, what is most exciting is that there is no limit to the number or type of forms you can create.

Whether all you need is a basic inquiry or an elaborate multi-step survey, a form builder app becomes your greatest companion at this point. Let us get into detail about these interesting tools which can be applied in various ways for any Shopify store.

Types of Forms You Can Create Using a Form Builder App

Forms do much more than just sit there waiting for someone to fill them up. Custom forms are capable of completely changing how your brand interacts with the clients, gathering data or simplifying their activities. 

From simple contact to complex questionnaires, you need Shopify apps designed specifically for creating any type of form.

Simple Contact Forms

Each and every e-commerce store needs a contact form. It’s an easy way for customers to reach out to you. A good form builder app allows you to create:

Contact Forms – Collect names, emails, phone numbers, and messages. Customize the fields on the contact form based on your needs.

Inquiry Forms – Gather specific information about customer inquiries. Add drop-downs and checkboxes for more precise data collection.

Order and Payment Forms

Are you taking orders and processing payments? A form builder can handle that, too. Imagine being able to create:

Order Forms – Let customers specify product details, quantities, and preferences. Include payment gateways for seamless transactions.

Pre-Order Forms – Gauge interest in new products before they hit the market. Using custom forms, collect customer information, and secure pre-orders effortlessly.

Subscription Forms: Offer subscription-based services or products. Automate recurring payments and renewals.

Feedback and Survey Forms

Customer feedback is gold. It helps you understand what you’re doing right and where you need to improve. Use form builders to create:

Feedback Forms – Collect customer opinions post-purchase. Ask about their shopping experience, product satisfaction, etc. The best form builder app helps you automate this process. 

Survey Forms – Conduct detailed surveys to gather in-depth insights from customers or employees. Use multi-step forms to keep things organized & engaging. 

Product Review Forms: Encourage customers to leave reviews of products or services used by them previously by customizing elements like ratings. 

Event and Registration Forms

If you’re hosting an event or webinar, a form builder app can help streamline the registration process. Create forms such as:

Event Registration Forms – Gather attendee information, preferences, and payment details. With the best form builder app, confirmation emails and reminders can be automated.

Webinar Sign-Up Forms – Collect names, emails, and topics of interest. Send automated links and follow-up materials afterward.

Customization + Conditional Logic

This is where things get really exciting! Form builder apps often come with advanced features like customization options and conditional logic. This means that you can create forms that adapt based on user input. For example:

Custom Fields: With the help of a form builder app, you can add text boxes, drop-downs, checkboxes, date pickers, file uploads, etc. Tailor each form to your specific needs.

Conditional Logic: Show or hide form fields based on previous answers/enhanced branching logic. Create dynamic forms where questions change in real-time making them more relevant/user-friendly. 

Appointment and Reservation Forms

Service-based business? Use a form builder to manage appointments and bookings easily. Create forms such as:

Forms for Service Requests: Obtain information about the services that customers require. A form builder app helps you offer choices for preferred dates, times and service details. For example, these can be used for furniture business where customers can submit requests for furniture assembly. 

Forms of Consultation: Plan meetings with possible customers where preliminary information should be gathered in readiness for the meeting.

Multi-Step & Long Forms

Long forms can be overwhelming, but multi-step forms break them into manageable sections. This improves user experience and completion rates. Some examples are:

Checkout Forms: Simplify the checkout process by dividing it into steps. With an advanced form builder app collect shipping information, billing details and payment separately.

Survey Forms: Use multi-step forms when conducting detailed surveys so as to keep users engaged throughout the process. Each step can focus on a different topic or section.

Features Provided by Top Form Builder Apps

Interactive Forms

Make your forms more interactive with certain features that may come with most form builders, like:

Drag-and-Drop Builders: Build forms using the drag-and-drop interface provided by Shopify form builder apps without having to code anything at all!

Interactive Elements: Add sliders, star ratings, etc., to make your form more engaging.

Integrations & Automation

Form builders do not only create forms but also integrate with other tools while automating tasks e.g :

Email Marketing : Automatically add new subscribers to email lists. Automation feature in form builder apps helps you send welcome emails, newsletters without having to lift a finger.

CRM Systems : Sync form submissions with customer relationship management system (CRM).Keep track of leads, enquiries, customer data etc.

Payment Processors: Integrate payment gateways so that transactions are processed directly through the forms, making them secure and streamlined.

Accessibility & Mobile Responsiveness

Forms must be accessible and responsive in today’s mobile-first world. Form builders should ensure:

Mobile friendly forms: Use the best Shopify form builder app to create forms that look great on any device thus ensuring smooth user experience across all platforms.

Accessibility features: Build user-friendly forms by using features such as keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, contrast adjustments, etc., to ensure they can be accessed by anyone.


So, just how many different types of forms can you create with a form builder app? The answer is as many as you can think of! From simple contact forms to intricate surveys forms, the possibilities are endless when it comes to what these tools can do. They provide customization options, automation capabilities, and integration opportunities that could change how data is collected and managed in your Shopify store forever!