Getting Started With Mag: Product Reviews
Now that you have installed Product Review: MAG, what's next? Allow us to walk you through fundamental steps to harness the potency of social proof marketing and enhance your sales performance.
Add your MyAppGurus widgets:
When you install MAG Product Review, we'll guide you through setting up the two most popular widgets: Star Ratings and Review Widget.
- These widgets help gather your first reviews if you're new to selling or display your reviews if you already have them.
- If you encounter any issues during the setup or need assistance you can always refer to our installation guides for assistance.
- If your theme version is 1.0, please go through our guide article, and don't hesitate to contact our support team via live chat in the app dashboard or at
Import reviews:
Already have reviews on other platforms? We support two easy ways to import your reviews into our app:
- Import from standard MyAppgurus CSV.
- Import from other review apps: Shopify, Judge Me, Hulk.
- Import review using Import Wizard.
You can also refer to this guide document for importing reviews using several method.
Exploring your Dashboard:
- Analytics Dashboard: View all the reviews-related activity metrics on this dashboard like total reviews, approved reviews & pending reviews.
- All Review Dashboard: Manage all the review & publication of reviews with bulk actions.
- Configurations: Customize stars color, review configurations & review layout.
This guide should help you get started with Product Review: MAG and make the most out of its features. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team via live chat on application dashboard or