About Discounts & Offers in Settings

Detailed guide on what is Discounts & Offers in Settings
Generate & Sent Coupons: By enabling this option, admin can create a various discount coupons for the platform users.

Coupon Details: After enabling the generate and send coupons, you'll need to set up the coupon as following options.
  • Coupon Code: Choose a unique code that customers can use (e.g., "SAVE10").

  • Discount Amount: Set the discount amount, either as a percentage or a fixed value.

  • Coupon Type: Select the type of coupon, such as a flat discount or a percentage discount.

Who are eligible for reviews: Specify who is eligible for reviews in relation to the coupon offer from the following options.

  • Any reviewer: Any of the reviewers can use the coupon.
  • Only buyers: Only buyers are eligible to use the coupon.
  • Only reviewers who have received a review request are eligible: Only the reviewers who have received the request through email are eligible to use the coupon.

Which review type generate coupon emails: Determine which review types will trigger the coupon emails from the following options.
  • Any reviewer: All the reviewers will receive an email for the coupon code.
  • Reviews with title and description: Those who have submitted the review with title and description, those users will only receive an email for the coupon code.
  • Reviews that include an image or video: Those who have submitted the review with an image or video recording, those users will only receive an email for the coupon code.

Coupon Code Validity: Define the validity period of the coupon code.

Requirement: Configure additional requirements for the coupon from the following options.

  • No minimum requirement: No requirement for the coupon.
  • Minimum order value: Set a minimum order value for the coupon to be valid.
  • Minimum quantity of items: Set a minimum quantity of the items for the coupon to be valid.

Elegibility: An admin can configure the eligibility conditions by using the following options.

  • This coupon can only be used by the reviewer: Can set the eligibility criteria for the coupon use.
  • This coupon can only be used once by each customer: Restrict the coupon use to once only by each customer.
  • The coupon can be used multiple times: You can remove the coupon use restriction per customer by enabling this option.
  • Limit usage: You can set the overall limit of the coupon by using this option.


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